
Here we cover how to create a project locally.


This guide assumes that you have a server already installed, if not check Server Installation

Client installation

There are multiple ways to install the labfunctions client. Here we’ll be installing it in a virtual environment

mkdir <our_project_dir>
cd <our_project_dir>
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install labfunctions==0.8.0


We recommend that you pin the package version because the API can change without notice and break your setup. You should do this until we got a stable version.

Start Project

In the same folder of the previous step, we need to initialize our project. This command will create the files and folders needed to run our notebooks.


You can set the server URL with

lab config set url_service https://myurl.com
# verify running:
lab config get url_service
lab startproject .

It will ask you about the project name, user and so on. At the end it will print a command to test if all is working alright, you should run it.

lab exec notebook welcome --local -p TIMEOUT=5
# after a few second you should see an output similar to:
"projectid": "13xbjnpshq",
"execid": "tmptL9DgwEO",
"wfid": "tmpcY9ocmtl",
"name": "welcome",
"params": {
    "TIMEOUT": "5",
    "WFID": "tmpcY9ocmtl",
    "EXECID": "tmptL9DgwEO",
    "NOW": "2022-05-16T15:30:31.172582"
"input_": "notebooks/welcome.ipynb",
"error": false,
"elapsed_secs": 7.79,
"created_at": "2022-05-16T15:30:31.172582",
"cluster": "default",
"machine": "cpu",
"runtime": "nuxion/labfunctions:0.8.0-alpha.8",
"docker_name": null,
"output_name": "tmpcY9ocmtl.welcome.tmptL9DgwEO.ipynb",
"output_dir": "outputs/ok/20220516",
"error_dir": "outputs/errors/20220516",
"error_msg": null

If you see a similar output, congratulations! All seems to be working.


Now that we started our project and we ran the notebook that comes as an example, the next logical step is deploying it into production.

But to do that, our notebook code needs a Runtime.


The runtime concept can be difficult to grasp, for more information please refer to Runtimes

To build the default runtime provided by Lab Functions, the command is:

lab runtimes build default --current
=> Bundling runtime default
(x) requirements file missing from requirements.txt

If we see a message error like this, it is because we didn’t export the package dependencies of our project. Lab Functions lets you choose your preferred way to do it, but the final format should be a requirements.txt file.

If you are in a virtualenv and using pip, you can do:

pip3 list --format=freeze > requirements.txt

After that, we can run again the same command:

lab runtimes build default --current
=> Bundling runtime default
=> Bundle generated in /home/nuxion/.labfunctions/13xbjnpshq/.nb_tmp/default.current.zip
=> Succesfully uploaded file
=> Build task sent with execid: bld.T0iS8YjyYCZ9lO


We are using the flag –current to build an untracked version of the project for simplicity, but real use cases should include git to get versioned runtimes.